Wednesday 1 May 2013

Global Chalice Lighting Words May 2013

The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces
the 117th in its monthly series of global chalice lighting readings.
Congregations worldwide are invited to participate.
We invite each congregation to use the reading
for at least one worship service
in the designated month, identifying it as
the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and
naming the group which submitted it.

This Global Chalice Lighting is submitted
by the Canadian Unitarian Council for May 2013.

ENGLISH:        The World
May the world that is one in its life, a rich blue top spinning in the endless night of space, a world that is one in its interdependence and fragility, be one in our hearts and minds and deeds also.   – Charles Eddis

FRENCH:          Le Monde
Que le monde qui est unique, qui évolve dans l'immensité profonde et bleue de l'univers, le monde qui se complète, interdépendant et fragile, soit entier dans nos coeurs, nos esprits et nos actes.

GERMAN:         Die Welt
Möge die Welt, all deren Leben miteinander verbunden, ja eines ist, die ein vielfältiges, blaues Wunder ist, das sich in der endlosen Nacht des Weltraumes dreht, eine Welt, die in all ihrer Zerbrechlichkeit und ihren wechselseitigen Abhängigkeiten letztlich doch eine Ganzheit ist,
auch spürbar eine Einheit sein in unseren Herzen, unserem Sinn und unserem Tun.

ITALIAN:          il Mondo
Possa il mondo, che è uno nella sua vita, una ricca trottola blu nella notte infinita dello spazio, un mondo che è uno nella sua interdipendenza e fragilità, possa essere uno solo nei nostri cuori, nelle nostre menti e nelle nostre azioni.

SPANISH:         El mundo
Que el mundo que es uno en su vida, una rica cubierta azul que da vueltas sin fin en la noche del espacio, un mundo que es uno con su interdependencia y fragilidad, sea también uno en nuestros corazones y nuestras acciones.

 (With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Gianluca Alfieri (Italian), Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Francisco Javier Lagunes Gaitán(Spanish) )                               

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